Worm, Parcel & Serve

This is where the domain of the boatswain and the sailmaker professions overlap. Where sails meet ropes.

WORMING is winding small lines or spunyarn along the cuntline of a rope, to produce a fair surface for serving.

PARCELLING is encircling a rope, after it is wormed, with narrow pieces of old canvas, well tarred, to make a fair surface for the serving.

SERVING is winding small line or spunyarn tightly round a rope by a mallet, to preserve it from wet, &c. The line or spunyarn being wound up in a ball, two or more turns are taken from it round the rope, confining the end under the turns; the mallet is then placed on the rope, and 2 or more yarns are passed round the rope and mallet, and round the handle, then, turning the mallet (whilst another person passes the ball round the rope,) it leaves the spunyarn on the rope, and draws it tight.